
At HawkEye Global, global sourcing is a process by which high-performing suppliers of components and contract manufacturing services are identified in low-cost countries and expertly managed to serve your needs.

Sourcing from overseas can be a daunting proposition, especially when you are accustomed to working closely with nearby factories and suppliers. Issues such as language and cultural barriers, legal and customs challenges, and even time zone differences all represent potential problems.

But, with the right supply chain services partner, the rewards can be significant:

  • Access to substantial, sustained cost benefits.
  • Fewer suppliers to manage.
  • Six Sigma Quality Control.
  • Integrated planning to ensure timely deliveries.
  • Shortened procurement process.
  • Reduced headcount and/or the opportunity to refocus personnel on more strategic activities.

HawkEye Global is the right supply chain services partner; we do not limit our thinking to China, nor do we limit optimisation of our services by owning manufacturing facilities. Most importantly, we only deploy supply chains that operate to the highest ethical and operational standards.

We are a true global sourcing company and understand that today's suppliers may not be the best choice for tomorrow. As an extension of your organization, we are committed to continuously finding the best and most qualified supply chains to deliver the maximum benefits to you.

By holistically managing our suppliers and continuously measuring and appraising all supply chain activities - such as quality auditing, inventory management, and continuous cost reductions - our unique supply chain management program ensures that:

  • Our suppliers continuously drive efficiency and quality to higher standards.
  • Our customers realize the maximum possible cost savings.

For examples of cost savings, see our Case Studies.

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