What We Offer

HawkEye Global's supply chain service provides you with easy access to a world of high quality suppliers, components, and manufacturing partners. As we have offices in the USA, New Zealand and Asia, we are able to work with you locally and at the source of the supply chain, ensuring that we understand your needs and are able to exceed your expectations.

Our unique, total-ownership approach to managing supply chain partners includes the following services:

  • Business Margin Analysis
    Strictly confidential analysis of where your current materials and supply chain costs could be unnecessarily impacting your business' profitability. Our Business Margin Analysis service culminates in a comprehensive report, guaranteeing where real savings can be realized when using HawkEye Global's supply chain networks.
  • Global Sourcing
    Our systematic approach to the identification and qualification of high performance suppliers and manufacturers in low-cost regions of the world will truly exceed your expectations. HawkEye Global can be your single, trusted link to a world of low cost, high quality suppliers.
  • Supply Chain Management
    Our ongoing performance management of the end-to-end supply chain is holistically designed to provide you with lasting P&L benefits. We take ownership of this process, integrate into your existing processes, and are accountable to you.

HawkEye Global's supply chain services are based on over twenty years of proven results in global sourcing and supplier management for a broad range of clients, from corporates to start-ups and small businesses, in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

Our suppliers are selected and managed with our systematic supplier management process (known as "SQC-BET"™), which measures, reviews, and awards ongoing business based on performance and capability in the following core areas:

Supply Assurance:inventory management and delivery performance
Quality:exceeding customers' quality standards
Cost:leadership in the total cost of doing business, not just the price
Business Practices:highest ethical standards and continuous risk management
Environmental compliance:compliance with global standards
Technological capability:experience and investments to continuously deliver world-class products

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